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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: PhotoDesk updated to version 3.21

PhotoDesk updated to version 3.21

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:46, 9/5/2023 | ,
PhotoDesk was updated at the South-West Show and is now available as a chargeable upgrade for existing customers.

The are several small bug fixes (and a regression in Texture preview after 3.17 has been fixed). The software also now uses dragasprite support which gives nice, solid icon drags.
But the big new feauture in this release is the new edition of the manual thanks for Chris Terran, who has been rewriting it for the last decade. If you are someone like me, who can see PhotoDesk is a really powerful Image package but never managed to get to grips with it, you will be really excited!
The manual is a now 200 page searchable PDF document, which now includes a large number of worked examples showing how to actually use the software. This includes the images used, so you can follow through each example. This makes getting up to speed with PhotoDesk much easier.
You can get PhotoDesk from !Store or contact R-Comp directly.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: PhotoDesk updated to version 3.21