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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC June 2023 meeting - RISC OS and Macs

WROCC June 2023 meeting - RISC OS and Macs

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:30, 8/6/2023 |
Wakefield's June talk was all about using Macs and RISC OS. As a Mac user since 2004 and a RISC OS user since 1989, I talked about why I like (and still use both) and how I get them to work together.

The talk started with the development of Mac OS and its shared narrative with RISC OS (ARM was created as a joint Acorn/Apple project).
The talk then looked at the features of modern Macs (they have changed a lot since some of the attendees last tried them). It now offers a fast, intuitive GUI on a solid Unix base. One of my favourite features is the seamless backups - always handy for rolling back your copy of RPCemu if you mess it up.
VNC and emulation were covered along with the best ways to share data between systems. We also covered some general moans about MacOS, RISC OS and integrating them.
I was a little apprehensive doing a talk to lot to several experts, but it is really nice to get their advice and there were lots of questions and suggestions.
If you missed the talk and want to catch-up, it is on Youtube
All WROCC meeting are now on Zoom so it is really easy to attend (or speak) at Wakefield, even if you live in somewhere obscure like Kent.
Details on all meetings (and email address to ask for a Zoom link) can be found on the WROCC website
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC June 2023 meeting - RISC OS and Macs