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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: The Acorn Doom FAQ

The Acorn Doom FAQ

Posted by Nick Wright on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,

Acorn Doom FAQ

The Acorn Doom FAQ

Version 1.10
Created by Tim Fountain
Maintained by Nick Wright
Last revised on 11/8/99




0. About the FAQ

    0.1 Introduction
    0.2 The copyright notice
    0.3 Contacting the FAQ authors
    0.4 How can I get the most recent version of the FAQ?
1. General
    1.1 What versions of Acorn Doom have been released? What's new in each?
    2.2 What are the differences between Acorn Doom and PC Doom?
    3.3 When I buy Acorn Doom, what comes in the box?
2. Display
    2.1 What resolution should I run Doom at in order to get the best results from my machine?
    2.2 What are the differences between 8-bit and 24-bit? Which should I use?
    2.3 I have selected an 800 by 600 screen mode to play Doom in but when it loads, it is very slow, what can I do to make it run properly?
3. Networking
    3.1 I want to play Doom against a PC. What method of networking should I employ?
    3.2 Whilst trying to play a network game against a PC, the game either fails to start or gives a 'consistency failure' error. What should I do?
4. Extra levels
    4.1 I've downloaded some WAD files from the internet but when I play them, there's a certain point in WAD X, level Y where DOOM dies and I am returned to the desktop, why is this?
5. Troubleshooting
    5.1 When I load DOOM, the loading windown appears but when the progress bar reaches the end, the error: "Template magnifier not found" is produced, but then quitting and reloading allows me to play the game as usual, what's happening here?
    5.2 I keep getting an error message like 'CD timeout' or 'CD drive empty'
    5.3 The music keeps quitting on the later levels and the game slows down
    5.4 I keep getting the error message 'No iWADs found' with ARM 3 Doom
    5.5 Whilst playing Doom, everything suddenly stops dead, what's gone wrong?
    5.6 It seems to take ages to load a WAD from the CD into the front end, why is this?


About the FAQ

0.1 Introduction.
This FAQ (frequently asked questions) listing has been compiled by members of the Acorn Arcade team, in association with R-Comp Interactive (RCI) and concerns only the Acorn version of DOOM. If you have a general query concerning the playing of DOOM which would be relevant to any platform, please see the general DOOM FAQ listings at http://www.gamers.org/docs/FAQ/doomfaq/.
0.2 The copyright notice.
Our permission is needed for this FAQ to be reproduced in part or in full in any electronic or written form. If you wish to put this FAQ on a cover disc or CD-Rom, please contact me (Tim Fountain) at tim (- at -) acornarcade.com.
0.3 Contacting the FAQ authors.
Any comments, corrections or additions to this listing should be sent to: doom@acornarcade.com. This FAQ listing is very short at the moment so if you have had any problems with Acorn DOOM which are not covered here, please do mail us.
0.4 How can I get the most recent version of the FAQ?
The most recent copy of this FAQ will always be available from the Doom pages of the Acorn Arcade website at: http://www.acornarcade.com/. If you don't have access to the World Wide Web, drop me an email (see section 0.3) and I will send the most recent copy to you.



1.1 What versions of Acorn Doom have been released? What's new in each?

1.00First release of Acorn Doom
1.01Fixed problems with no sound on 8 bit RISC OS 3.5 systems, and flickering graphics palettes in the game. Several problems with loading of extra levels were sorted, and several minor tweaks were made to the main engine. Due to the amount of changes, this version is only available from RCI by return of disc. Note that most people will have this version.
1.02Improved front end, with menu for selecting screen resolution. This takes into account colour depth etc. The network options were tweaked and made more user friendly. This version is downloadable from the RCI website, specifically: http://www.arsvcs.demon.co.uk/leisure/dload/files/dmfe12.zip
2.01Known better as 'Doom+', version 2.01 was released in November 1998 with a huge array of new features and improvements, such as transparencies, translucencies, an improved frontend, improved network drivers, speed increases, CD music option, etc. etc. If you are using an earlier version, Doom+ can be purchased from RCI for £10.00. If you bought Doom since Novemeber 1998, then you already have it.
2.05This is the latest release and is free to all current users of version 2.01. It was made available at the Wakefield Show in 1999 and by email to all users on RCI's mailing list (that's why you sent off your registration card, right?) The main addition was the much anticipated bi-linear filtering which made walls, floors and sprites appear much smoother up close. Aside from that there were many bug fixes and speed improvements, improved network capabilities and the feature to have the names of monsters and other players float above their heads during the game. If you still have version 2.01, you'll have to send your discs off to RCI for the upgrade.
Arm3 DoomThis is an extra disc supplied in the box (alongside RiscPC Doom) when a user orders the game for use on an Arm3 machine. Users of the RiscPC version (usually known as Acorn Doom) can purchase the Arm3 disc from RCI for about £1.50 including carriage and disc. Check with RCI on this though as the price may vary slightly depending on location (and hence carriage).

1.2 What are the differences between Acorn Doom and PC Doom?
  • Flexible resolution options (you can run in up to 1024x768 on current hardware)
  • The inclusion of a 24 bit colour mode
  • TCPIP network play is possible
  • The sound has been tweaked to use 8 channels with full stereo
  • The game will run in a window on the desktop, which can be scaled up or down
  • Drag'n'drop loading and saving of games
  • Simple loading of extra levels - Acorn Doom will detect whether the extra level is for Doom 1 or Doom 2,
    so you can simply double click on an extra level to play it.
  • Easy-to-use desktop front end for setting everything up.
  • Save games remember any extra levels or patches being used, so reloading a possition is simple!
  • You get Ultimate Doom 1, Doom 2, Master Levels for Doom 2 and 3000 extra levels

1.3 When I buy Acorn Doom, what comes in the box?
The Acorn Doom box contains:
  • 3 Doom CD ROMs: Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and 3,000 extra levels (aka Maximum Doom)
  • A full, illustrated Doom manual
  • 2 Acorn high desnity floppy discs (a 3rd, low density is supplied with the ARM3 version) containing the Acorn player software
    and the Doom 2 Master Levels
  • An instruction sheet for installing and playing the RISC OS version of the game
  • A registration card, so that you are kept informed of updates and special offers





2.1 What resolution should I run DOOM at in order to get the best performance from my machine?
Well, that's a tricky one but here's what we recommend:

Computer type/specification 8 Bit Colour 24 Bit Colour
RiscPC with neither SA nor VRAM or A7000320 by 256
RiscPC with VRAM but no SA, or A7000+480 by 352320 by 256
RiscPC with SA but no VRAMGet some VRAM.
You're crippling your machine without!
RiscPC with 1MB VRAM and SA640 by 480480 by 352
RiscPC with 2MB VRAM and SA800 by 600640 by 400


The above table assumes you are playing Doom 1. You may wish to drop down by one resolution on the later levels of Doom 2.

The 320 by 256 screenmode definition file is not present on all computers, if you find you don't have it installed, hold down shift and click here, save the text file somewhere and then place it into your MDF file (usually in !Boot.Resources.Configure.Monitors then the file with the same name as is shown in the title bar of the mode change window in the display manager). Once you've done that you'll need to type 320 by 256 into DOOM's video setup window and select the 'High Resolution' radio icon then click OK.
2.2 What are the differences between 8 bit and 24 bit? Which should I use?
The main advantage of the 24 bit version of Doom is significantly improved lighting. Doom normally uses 16 levels of lighting, and changes in lighting levels are clearly visable due to distinct changes of colour. The 24 bit mode uses a completely new lighting model, with 256 levels of lighting, so strobe effects (eg. end of Episode 1, Level 5) are smooth and stunning. General lighting is also much smoother and more 'moody'. Additionally, some palette effects and
colour rendition is slightly better in the 24 bit version.
As for which version to use, try both and see which you prefer. Most people prefer to play in higher resolutions rather than have the extra colour depth, and go for the 8 bit mode at 640x480 or 800x600. On the other hand, if you only have a 14 inch monitor, you may be better off with the 24 bit version.
2.3 I have selected an 800 by 600 screen mode to play Doom in but when it loads, it is very slow, what can I do to make it run properly?
I suspect you're using an ARM6/7 RiscPC, in which case the best possible performance you can get from DOOM is a 320 by 256 resolution with 24-bit coour enabled provided you have VRAM fitted. I'm afraid you'll need a StrongARM processor before you can even think about playing in 800 by 600 due to the increased processor power required!




3.1 I want to play Doom against a PC. What method of networking should I employ?
Well, firstly you must own a copy of Doom+ (v2.00+) in order to be able to do this. It is not possible to network with a PC on an older version of Doom. Secondly, you must bear in mind that it is not possible to connect with a PC via an IPX network as this protocol is not supported by Doom+. The best way of networking with a PC is over a serial port connection.

3.2 Whilst trying to play a network game against a PC, the game either fails to start or gives a 'consistency failure' error. What should I do?
Try changing the number of tic dupes on the network driver. The PC serial driver, however, does not support variable tics.


Extra levels


4.1 I've downloaded some WAD files from the internet but when I play them, there's a certian point in WAD X, level Y where DOOM dies and I am returned to the desktop, why is this?
This is due to poor WAD programming/compiling on the part of the PC level authors. In the DOS version of DOOM, a few stray bytes of memory caused by a bad WAD are unlikely to crash the game. However, the Acorn version has to multitask (exist at the same time as other programmes) so stray memory will lead to the game crashing.




5.1 When I load DOOM, the loading windown appears but when the progress bar reaches the end, the error: "Template magnifier not found" is produced, but then quitting and reloading allows me to play the game as usual, what's happening here?
This is because the WIMP has started another task wilst Doom was loading and has forgotten Doom's templates somehow. To avoid this, don't load any other programmes whilst Doom is loading. R-Comp are looking into this problem and hope to release a new version with this bug removed shortly.

5.2 I keep getting an error message like 'CD timeout' or 'CD drive Empty'
The solution is to install everything bar the main WADs, and then copy them manually from the CDs (filenames DOOM/WAD and DOOM2/WAD). You may also have to set the filetypes to 'DoomWAD' as well.

5.3 The music keeps quitting on the later levels and the game slows down
If you have Doom 1.00: To solve this (assuming you have enough RAM), open up !Doom (by shift double-clicking on it), and load up the 'ExtraParms' text file. Change 'Freemem 64' to 'Freemem 4120'.
If you have Doom 1.01 or later: Open the Misc window from the menu on the Doom setup window. Increase the Free Memory setting to 4120.
Alternatively: Force !Synth to load all it's samples in to start with. This will prevent it needing to load more data later.

5.4 I keep getting the error message 'No iWADs found' with ARM 3 Doom
This was a small bug found in some very early versions of ARM 3 Doom. To fix it, simply comment out the first line of the !Doom.!Boot file.

5.5 Whilst playing Doom, everything suddenly stops dead, what's gone wrong?
Well, if you're using a StrongARM machine, make sure you haven't got the 'CacheToggle' module running because it uses alt+shift to change the status of the cache and these keys can often clash with Doom.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: The Acorn Doom FAQ