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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Drag'n'Drop 12i4 edition reviewed

Drag'n'Drop 12i4 edition reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:21, 10/8/2023 |

the Summer 2023 edition of Drag'n'Drop magazine in now available. It's 35 pages of news, reviews, tools and lots of coding! As a PDF you can read it on just about any system.

The magazine kicks off with 2 pages of news (software and hardware related). It includes links to all the sites.

The PineBook Pro gets a thorough 4 page review and there is also a look at the new Amazeing Maze game from Amcog.
Chris does a nice write-up of his coding tutorial from the MUG Mega Meetup, showing how to write a simple WIMP application in BBC BASIC.

Each edition usually has a selection of programs. EdiScript is a useful application to extend the find/replace options in Edit.

There is an article on SVG explaining how to write SVG code and more advice on using Sound and Graphics on different Acorn/RISC OS systems. Stop motion on 8bit systems is also covered.

Finally, our Oz columnist continues working with GPIO pins from BBC BASIC.

There is a special offer to subscribe to Volume 13 and automatically receive the magazine on release. I recommend the version with the programs supplied (as I am lazy!)


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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Drag'n'Drop 12i4 edition reviewed