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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Humorous and painful Quake moments

Humorous and painful Quake moments

Posted by Alasdair Bailey on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,

Painful Quake Moments

Humorous and painful Quake moments

Well, I've been playing Quake since it came out for the Acorn. I was one of the first to download it from the AcornNet site in Germany (I got it within about 6 hours of it being linked to!) and I was the first to offer a site devoted 100% to Acorn Quake.
In all my experience of this game, I've seen some things that you can only describe as "painful". This page is devoted to some of the more painful things I've seen.



Taken from the Mortal Kombat patch
Is that a knife embedded in your groin, or are you just pleased to see me?
Is that a knife embedded in your groin, or are you just pleased to see me?
Well, this certainly looks very painful. I have to say though, that the monsters in Quake are exceptionally good at dealing with pain. This chap has a knife buried where only customs men dare to probe, yet he's still able to shoot with remarkable accuracy. Amazing really, isn't it.



Taken from the Navy Seals patch
Is this you leg sir?
If you've read the QuakeC page, you'll have noticed that it's possible, with the aid of the Navy Seals patch, to remove limbs and heads from grunts and enforcers. This is quite easily acheived. Simply run up to the grunt of your choice, and shout "Haha! I'm going to blow your head/leg off!". The grunt will quite calmly try to hit you round the head with the butt of his gun, but you just back off slightly, strafe round him and pump a few lead pellets into his bottom. Hey presto! his leg drops off!


Send your submissions to alasdair@acornarcade.com and if they're deemed suibibly gruesome, we'll put them up here!

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Humorous and painful Quake moments