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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: October WROCC talk on thursday goes Linux

October WROCC talk on thursday goes Linux

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:52, 9/10/2023 |
The October WROCC talk on thursday night (different week and night to usual features Steve Fryatt talking about running RISC OS on Linux.

Having had talks on running RISC OS with MacOS and Windows, Linux looks like the next obvious choice. Steve is a long-standing member of WROCC and RISC OS developer so I am really looking forward to learning lots about making RISC OS and Linux work well together.
As usual the talk will be on Zoom and video should be released shortly afterwards.
WROCC website
  October WROCC talk on thursday goes Linux
  nytrex (11:21 20/10/2023)
  markee174 (15:57 20/10/2023)
  CJE (15:41 22/10/2023)
Alan Robertson Message #125510, posted by nytrex at 11:21, 20/10/2023
Posts: 114
To the admin:
I tried sending an email to you via your 'contact us' page, but it informed me that it did not send my email.

Since fixing the website yesterday, I have noticed that most articles now seem to have a strange font character appearing in them.

If you click on pretty much any of them, you should seem the 'Â' character appear in them.
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Mark Stephens Message #125511, posted by markee174 at 15:57, 20/10/2023, in reply to message #125510
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 147
To the admin:
I tried sending an email to you via your 'contact us' page, but it informed me that it did not send my email.

Since fixing the website yesterday, I have noticed that most articles now seem to have a strange font character appearing in them.
Many thanks for letting us know. We are investigating.
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Chris Evans Message #125513, posted by CJE at 15:41, 22/10/2023, in reply to message #125510
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
I gather they've had big problems. I was told "In the end we had to spin up a whole second server from the backup, perform triage there, and then copy over backups from that to appease the upgrade gods on the main server.

Mail is still down, but that's for another day."
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: October WROCC talk on thursday goes Linux