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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: PhotoDesk 3.17 released

PhotoDesk 3.17 released

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:14, 13/9/2022 |
PhotoDesk is a really powerful (and 'heavyweight') RISC OS image package so it is really exciting to see new versions appearing again.

The software was originally by SpaceTech. When they left the market it was adopted by CJEmicros who produced a couple of updates, the last one in 2016. 18 months ago XAT acquired the rights to the software. They have now released an updated version, which is being handled by R-Comp.
The new version of PhotoDesk 3.17 costs 42 pounds and there is a 'no questions asked' upgrade option for 29 pounds. The new version of the software is available from !Store. Future updates 'will be free of charge unless something unforeseen happens' (according to R-Comp). Personally I do not have an issue with paying for new features.
According to the press release, there is some general tidying up and performance gains on 'modern systems'. It will now install a version with optimised defaults for your system, rather than catering to the lowest common denominator.
If you have not used PhotoDesk before, it is cracking value at 42 pounds, and I have already ordered my upgrade for my old 3.14 release from !Store and will be kicking the tyres once it arrives.
Have you tried the new release?
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: PhotoDesk 3.17 released