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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS Direct Videos -3. Gaming and emulation

RISC OS Direct Videos -3. Gaming and emulation

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:25, 15/5/2020 | ,
So far, 3 videos have been published on youtube to encourage people to use RISC OS.

Episode 3 is 20 minutes long and covers RISC OS gaming and emulators in depth. It refers back to previous videos and includes lots of trivia on RISC OS along the way.
It covers not just RISC OS games but also emulators. It starts with the games found in Diversions folder. Doom is covered in some detail. Tom shows how the Amcog Games can be opened and edited and is encouraging users not only play but also try and code.
BBC BASIC games and usage are also covered along with the !Beebit emulator. Lots of ground is covered including how to get BBC software is SSD format. One of the great advantages of youtube is that all the steps are all clearly and visually shown. Tom gives us a step by step guide to getting Elite up and running.
Next running classic 26-bit RISC OS games covered. Tom shows how you can enjoy Archimedes version of Elite as well. Tom also points out that it for Scumm VM is also covered. The tutorial uses Myst as an example for copying the game from orginal disks and getting it running on the emulator.
As with previous episodes, Tom does a great job of making RISC OS appealing and accessible to Rapsberry PI users looking for something new to try.
Part 4 will be about networking and online services.
Youtube link for episode 3
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS Direct Videos -3. Gaming and emulation