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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rougol May meeting - Paul Stone makes Archimedes live

Rougol May meeting - Paul Stone makes Archimedes live

Posted by Mark Stephens on 09:47, 16/5/2023 |
The May Rougol meeting was a hybrid meeting with Paul Stone talking about Archimedes live.

Paul grew up with RISC OS at school and his passion project has been making the Arculator Archimedes emulator run in the browser. He has been working on this for about a year now.
He was inspired by jsbeeb (a JavaScript BBC Micro Emulator) and the BBC Micro Games Archive (which allows you to run BBC games online very easily. He is also a fan on the BBC Micro Bot and ARM2bot. So Archimedes.live is an 'Archimedes' version of jsbeeb!
Paul had ported Arculator to WebAssembly so it can run in the browser using the emscripten toolchain. Still a work in progress with things to implement.
Comes with pre-configured snapshots of different Archimedes systems. Added a nice 'fast forward' feature to games snapshots.
A lot of work has gone into performance and making the software feel snappy.
Lots of ideas for future improvements like using WebGL directly rather than SDL.
Software is Open Source and on GitHub.
The talk was very interactive with lots of demonstrations. As usual there was time for plenty of questions afterwards.
Rougol website
  Rougol May meeting - Paul Stone makes Archimedes live
  nunfetishist (10:13 16/5/2023)
  Paolo Zaino (17:13 16/5/2023)
  helpful (03:04 19/5/2023)
Rob Kendrick Message #125442, posted by nunfetishist at 10:13, 16/5/2023
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 522
Link to Arculator in a browser?
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Paolo Fabio Zaino Message #125444, posted by Paolo Zaino at 17:13, 16/5/2023, in reply to message #125442
Posts: 61
Rob, here:


Source code here:


Hope this helps,
RISC OS Projects: https://github.com/RISC-OS-Community
RISC OS Blog: https://paolozaino.wordpress.com/category/risc-os/
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Bryan Hogan Message #125446, posted by helpful at 03:04, 19/5/2023, in reply to message #125442
Posts: 252
The slides from the presentation can be downloaded from the ROUGOL website - https://rougol.jellybaby.net/meetings/2023/may.html
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rougol May meeting - Paul Stone makes Archimedes live