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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rougol Talk February 2024 - Chris Hall

Rougol Talk February 2024 - Chris Hall

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:37, 20/2/2024 |

The February 2024 talk was a hybrid meeting featuring Chris Hall (in the pub) talking about the Waveshare IO Board.

Chris has been interested in Computers since 1972 and now retired but still playing with lots of kit. His latest interested is the Waveshare IO board which uses CM4 and can support NVMe. His also has a fan control and real time clock. It was handled round the pub for everyone present to see.

There are alternative IO boards - Pi Foundation and GeekPi DeskPi Mini.

NVMe is exciting because it should allow faster access than SATA and much better random read/write. Chris has lots of  test results on his website if you want technical details.

You can build your own system with Waveshare Min-A/B, get the GeekPi DeskPi Mini or the ready built PiRO Qube.

NVMEe offers more potential that SATA and RISC OS does not support USB3.

R-Comp announced today support for NVMe! Good reason to attend the Show on saturday....

Chris covered how to format an NVMe for RISC OS and Linux usage, which involves several steps. But Chris does have the instructions on his site.

Chris had his own purpose-built machine so talked in detail about how to build your own.

After that there was plenty of time for Q and A.

As usual, details on talks available on the Rougol website.

  Rougol Talk February 2024 - Chris Hall
  helpful (05:32 22/2/2024)
Bryan Hogan Message #125599, posted by helpful at 05:32, 22/2/2024
Posts: 252
I've put links to Chris's slideshow and other documents from the talk up on the ROUGOL website - https://rougol.jellybaby.net/meetings/2024/feb.html
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rougol Talk February 2024 - Chris Hall