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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: TextEase updated to 5.99

TextEase updated to 5.99

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:13, 9/9/2021 |
Since moving to its new home at Elesar, the RISC OS version of !TextEase has seen regular new releases and an updated manual. v5.97 was released January 2021 (read our review), v5.98 is February and the latest version is 5.99 (August 2021).

When you buy TextEase, you are sent an installer Application. I keep this handy because updating the software is simply a matter of rerunning this. It will download the latest copy as a Zip archive for you. This also contans a readme with details of changes and the latest manual.

This is a minor release so there are no big new features, just bug fixes and some nice-to-have improvements such as better Excel import and Draw export. Elesar are very keen to get your import for ideas for new features to add.
The manual has also been updated and grown from 116 pages to 153. All the content has been reviewed and updated. Comparing the table of contents, shows that new sections have been added to document the Turtle and Branch programs. There are also some nice documented examples highighting you can do with the software.


If you are an existing user, the update is free and if you have not tried the TextEase family before, you can fnd out more from the Elesar website
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: TextEase updated to 5.99