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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Doom - MegaWAD reviews - Realm Of Chaos

Doom - MegaWAD reviews - Realm Of Chaos

Posted by Tim Fountain on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , , ,


Realm Of Chaos

'Realm of Chaos' is a collection of 32 levels from 'The Macintosh Team', who are a group of 7 MacDoom fanatics. The WAD consists of 30 levels, plus 2 secret levels. The second secret level is fantastic, and without a doubt the best Doom level I've ever played. It is not too easy to find, but it is worth it.
There are 3 stages to this WAD, the first stage is set on the UAC base on Mars and consists of 11 levels. The first 3 or 4 are okay, about the same standard as the levels in the Doom 2 WAD, then after that it starts getting interesting. The 5th level is set around a huge rising platform with exits off each sides at different heights, by the time you get to the top level you need to have quite a lot of ammo and health for the ending... After that one, levels 6-11 are pretty average, with level 8 being the exception.
The second and third stages take place on Earth, where you find yourself fighting to defend your planet until you get taken prisoner (the third stage), which is basically an excuse to put you inside the heart of the enemy camp. These levels are great. They are almost all good, even though a couple of them start off a bit dull.
I particularly enjoyed level 14, where at one point you are travelling down a dark narrow corridor and you turn a corner and fall into the huge room, with monsters on ledges all around the top, Mancubus' patrolling the acid on your left and right, and of course monsters all around you. And just when you thought that was enough, you go into the next room to find...
The thing I enjoyed most about these levels is the originality. You may not think there would be much you could do with a Doom level, but a lot of thought has gone into these levels, and it shows.
Overall: Excellent. It may not be one of these 'new sound effects' flashy total conversions, but if you only download one of the MegaWADs from this reviews section, make it this one. These 32 levels should keep you occupied for several weeks.

Reviewed by 
Tim Fountain


Rating: COOL

Rating: GOOD

Rating: GOOD

Overall: 88




WAD information
Name:Realm of Chaos
Authors:The Macintosh Team


Download Realm of Chaos ?MB

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Doom - MegaWAD reviews - Realm Of Chaos